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How To Be Sun Smart

No, wait! Do you know there are certain ways you can be sun smart? Being sun smart is equivalent to protecting your beautiful and gorgeous skin from the sun. Voila!
And one of the ways you can protect yourself from the sun's rays is by applying sunscreen to your skin. It could be your face, chest, arms, or any other exposed part of the skin. 80% of skin aging is lifestyle-related and guess what? Sun is the biggest contributor to that number!
The sunlight we can feel is made up of two harmful rays: Ultraviolet B (UVB) which is the short wave and Ultraviolet A (UVA) which is the long wave.
The UVB rays are responsible, mainly, for sunburns and skin reddening while the UVA rays penetrate deeper into the skin and become one of the causes of skin aging.
The intensity of UVB rays depends on the season, location, and time of the day. These rays get to their peak usually around the hours of 10 am till 4 pm and it reaches you even under a shade.
UVA rays, on the other hand, are present all through the day and all year round. It can penetrate glass.
A photo-aged skin (damaged by repeated exposure to UV radiation) will appear leathery saggy, with pigmentations, less elasticity, no moisture, and so on. Up to 90% of visible skin changes are the result of sun damage, hence, the importance of wearing sunscreen whenever you're stepping out of your home.
Sun Protection Factor (SPF) and the number of a specific sunscreen, say 10, 15, 30, or 50, depicts the ability to deflect and absorb UVB rays.
UVA Protection Factor (UVAPF) equals one-third of an SPF value and is represented by a circled UVA logo. So next time you're getting sunscreen, look out for this